Monday, March 14, 2016

Provo River Trail

In commemoration of Memorial Day this month we are hosting a ride to remember and honor cyclists killed while riding bikes, as well as any loved ones you have. You are welcome to pin the name of a loved one you want to honor on the back of your jersey. Our most recent local tragedy was when Stacey Bown was hit by a car in Orem, an accident that reminds us that we need to all do our part to make bicycling more safe in Utah County.

Registration is at 8:30 am at the Trail Head of the Provo River Trail near 4200 W Center St at the parking lot on Skipper Bay Pkwy (just 50 M from the intersection). The Toddler Half Mile ride will be at 8:55 am and will include a loop around the frog pond. All toddlers will get a prize and this is not a competitive ride.

At 9:00 am the other distances will start together:
Ultra: 30 miles (15 miles up to Vivian Park up Provo Canyon timed, 15 miles down not timed)
Endurance: 23.4 miles (11.7 miles up to Wills Canyon Stop at the mouth of Provo Canyon timed, 11.7 miles down not timed)
Intermediate: 8.8 miles (4.4 miles up to Exchange Park timed, 4.4 miles down not timed)
Sprint: 5 miles (2.5 miles up to Geneva trail head timed, 2.5 miles down not timed)

Special awards to anyone who reaches these times to the half way point, the top (4 minutes per mile):
Ultra: 1 hour 10 minutes
Endurance: 58 minutes
Intermediate: 23 minutes
Sprint: 15 minutes

It only has a 1% grade, so it will give you a gentle challenge during the timed portion, and an easy cool down on your way back.

The trail is not closed for the ride, so a ride leader will lead the group at the trail speed limit of 15 mph except where it is hazardous to maintain that speed which will be marked with a cone, at which times they will slow the group down to a safe speed of 5mph to pass any pedestrians, animals, or go through any intersections where cars may cross, narrow or steep underpasses or around sharp turns, or go over bumps. There are 8 stop lights towards the end of the Endurance and Ultra distance, which we have timed. If you happen to hit all 8 of these lights for their maxium time, it totals 5 minutes, but it is unlikely, since most of them are at rarely used intersections. This 5 minutes as well as 5 minutes for potential pedestrian interference will be subtracted from your total time. If you fall behind the ride leader, you will be responsible to slow down or stop for all hazards on your own since we can not be there to ensure your safety. You must ride single file and stay to the right side of the trail except to pass quickly. Always call out to let pedestrians know you are passing from behind so they aren't startled and jump into your path. If a pedestrian is on the wrong side of the trail, politely call out to them so they can get on the right side so that other riders don't run into the same problem.

There will be prizes for all who finish, as well as extra prizes for those who either keep up with the ride leader for their distance, but don't let the competitive element tempt you to compromise safety by going too fast in dangerous situations. The ride is foremost for fun and a workout, and the competitive element is just to push you a little. We will start our real races again next month. There will be a special award for the top 5 mountain bikes and other types of bikes besides road bikes as well as electric bike division unless there is a tie with the 6th rider, as 15 mph on an incline for other types of bikes is considerably harder than on a road bike. If there are less than 5 road bikes in a particular distance, the top 5 will receive a special award as well. The trail has a few bumps in some sections, so a mountain or other bike would be the most comfortable, but a road bike would be fastest. For more of an aerobic challenge, pick a heavier bike with large tires. Trikes, recumbents, kid trailers, and anything resembling a bike is welcome!

There will be drink stations at each finish line, where you will write down the time you finish in a binder and take a tag back to the start to get a prize based on the tag you get out of the binder. At the finish of the Ultra there will be a timer to record your time, but depending on the amount of participants we may or may not have a timer for the other finishes.

Refreshments and goodie bags with coupons to many Utah County bike shops will be available immediately when you return to the starting area, so you can get back home when you desire.

We realize that the paved trails are limited as far as racing opportunities, so next year this ride will likely be at a location with no speed limit. For this year, just come have fun with us and enjoy this beautiful trail lined with trees, parks, and following a peaceful river!


Saturday, March 12, 2016

Mar 2016 Results

March 12, 2016 St. Patty's Ride, Payson Canyon

Oilcan Racer won over all in the longest distance on his mountain bike!  It may have gave him an advantage on the dry asphalt but had to be pushed the last mile, so he did an amazing job!

Marcia & Daniel were the fastest fat bike riders in the Endurance distance!

Great St. Patty's t-shirt!

Free refreshments for participants & spectators!

Goodie bags

Finisher Prizes
Endurance Prizes

Oilcan had a well-cushioned lead due to the asphalt the first mile, but in the last half mile Daniel got uncomfortably close and it became a sprint to the finish!  What an exciting race!

Running for a close finish!

Endurance 3.2 mile (half in slushy snow):

Male Mountain Bike:
1. Oilcan Racer 33:00 (fenders)
2. James McCasey 44:00 (3 prizes: Frosty Fat Bike mug, hat, etc)

Male Fat Bike:
1. Daniel Stolworthy 35:00 (Carbsport drink mix from Racer's Cycle Service)

Female Fat Bike:
1. Marcia Harris 41:00 (Timpanogos Cyclery Scott helmet)

Intermediate 2.5 mile (1/4 in slushy snow):

Male Road Bike:
1. John Lauritzen 35:00 (3 green treats)

Sprint 1.2 mile (clear asphalt):

Male Mountain Bike:
1. Jordan Nielson 7:00 (3 prizes)
2. Graham Nielson 8:00 (2 prizes)
3. Jim Taylor 12:00 (1 prize)

Boys 12 & Under Mountain Bike:
1. Carson Whitney 15:00? (2 prizes)

Female Mountain Bike:
1 & 2. LuAnn Stones 12:00 (1 prize)
1 & 2. Cheryl Pulley 12:00 (1 prize)

Photographer: Cathy Boyd (T3 Triathlon How Do You Roll T-shirt)

Set up and take down: Oilcan Racer (green St. Patrick's hat & mustache)

Feb 2016 Results

February 2016 Valentine's Fat Bike Ride, Hobble Creek Canyon

Ultra Female Fat Bike:
1. Marcia Conover Harris 1:05

Ultra Male Fat Bike:
1. Daniel R. Stolworthy 1:07
2. John Lauritzen 1:18